Monday, July 29, 2013

Why become neet?

Neethood is normally not something one would put on themselves. You will be regarded as a leech and a burden on society until you "change your ways," something you will find that, once you're a neet, you're going to have a hard time changing. But the benefits of neethood are, for the people who don't need a lot, amazing. Here are just a few of the benefits.

  1. Free money/food/living = More money for stuff you want

    Rent is expensive. Food is expensive. And you REALLY want that plastic figurine with the big tits.

    So why waste your time getting a job, working for money, and having to support yourself when you can throw all that stuff away and get what you want WITHOUT all that hard work, at the expense of your family or the government?

  2. Free time to do all the stuff you want

    See this guy? He hates his life right now. Work sucks, and everyone hates doing it at some point or another.

    But when you're a neet, it's 24/7 video games, anime watching, and masturbating. A life of pure hedonistic delights is at your finger tips, and once again, it's all thanks to your family or government.

  3.  The freedom to be yourself

    Sometimes, you just feel that the world is full of these horrible people. All of them lying to each other's faces, all of them laughing about you behind your back, all of them pretending they like you for as long as they have to endure you.

    In the world of neetdom, you don't have to deal with any of that. No more phonies. No more liars. Just that cute girl you met on an MMO who lives somewhere in Canada and you've seen those pictures of her and she's like a model and so you send her gifts and she says she loves you. Just that. That's all you have to deal with. It's a good life.

A brief introduction

Hello there. My name isn’t really Cornelius, but it might as well be.

At the age of 26, I have graduated from college, only to find myself unable to find a job while my useless peers managed to find one within days. And now, I’m back at my parent’s house until I find a real job again, and I decided to pass the time by creating a blog where I can share in my neet-ness with other people. And make money by being a neet. We’ll get into that later.

For now, I just wanted to introduce myself. In my spare time, I like to play video games (obviously), play the ukulele (not so obviously), and lift weights (definitely not obviously). I am incredibly depressed and have a distinct lack of self-confidence while sounding wholeheartedly in-genuine to anyone who talks to me. When I lift weights, I read a book and don’t talk to anyone. When I play ukulele, I only play it if I need money. My life basically has revolved around being a leech for as long as I can remember, and it’s not been good for my ego.

So this blog will delve into a few things: how to be neet with or without the help of the government, the best tools for neethood, how to make money while still being neet, and other stuff like that. I don’t know if anyone will ever read it, but if you do, thanks for making me money.